On-page seo, what is that now you might ask. SEO consists of all the strategies you put into place in order to rank your website on search engines. Google bots and algorithms take two things into account :

  • Interal SEO
  • External SEO

On-page and off-page SEO

Also called internal seo, the On-Page SEO consists of all the things you do on your own website in order to increase its ranking. In contrast we have what is called Off-Page SEO or external SEO. You can read our article on Off-Page SEO here

There are muliple factors to take into account when it comes to internal SEO. Such as :

  • Your technical set up.
  • The quality of your code.
  • User-friendliness of your site.
  • Content.

When Off-Page SEO mainly consists of acquiring new links pointing to your own site.

Why is internal SEO important ?

It consists of all the things you have control over. You can improve the quality of your content, you are the one who is also responsible of fixing any sorts of bugs. So two things are to be kept in mind when it comes to this : technical issues and quality of content. The question you should be asking yourself is “Why would google show, a slow with not so good content to its users ?”.

The main factors to take into account

These are the three pillars when it comes to internal seo :

1. Technical Side :

The technologies you use can hugely impact your SEO performance. One SEO friendly tool is WordPress. It is easy to setup and with its multiple SEO plugins such as Yoast SEO and AIOSEO you can implement internal seo easily. You can read our articles on the yoast seo vs aioseo. Now what about those who do not use wordpress ? How is SEO accomplished on static pages or even on SPA ? We will be writing an article covering those.

Now we have to talk about indexing. If you do not know what indexing is, in brief in order for Google to show your website in the results it has to be stored in their index. It is always a good practice to check if some of your pages are not being indexed by google.

2. Great Content :

A good question to ask yourself is “Why people visit your site ?”. It is most likely because your website contains information they are looking for. That is why it is important for you to write relevant and consistent content. You should be aware that bots of the search engines read your text.

3. User Experience :

This is the last point; the user experience. Have you ever been on a website where performing the most basic operation became a struggle. We all have been there. That is why user experience is crucial. It should be easy to navigate in your website. A beautifully designed website is nice, but you should definitely make it your top priority to create a user-friendly website first. That’s why here at Letket our motto is “Beauty in simplicity”. We invite you to can check our work.


Internal SEO can be summarize into few points. First of all, make sure that your website is working properly and that your technical SEO is up to par. In second you must prioritize good content. As we said there is not benefit for google to show its user bad content or content they are not interested in. You should not forget though, internal seo comes together with external seo. Just like the yin and the yang; one cannot exists with the other.