As we all know SEO is the main organic traffic that comes from google, but when you have an e-commerce how can you have SEO that drives traffic with no blogs? In this blog we will talk about best practice for SEO for ecommerce and how it should be done for best practices in 2021.

Let’s dive right in…

What is Ecommerce SEO?

Ecommerce SEO is like normal SEO, however. It’s for the products you sell to visible in search engine results pages (SERPs). When people search for the product you sell, ecommerce-SEO can make your store show for users which give trust and traffic to your store and therefore sales.

Ecommerce SEO usually involves optimizing your headlines, product descriptions, meta data, internal link structure, and navigational structure for search and user experience. Each product you sell should have a dedicated page designed to draw traffic from search engines.

However, you don’t want to forget about static, non-product-oriented pages on your site, such as the following:

  • Homepage
  • About page
  • F.A.Q. page
  • Blog articles
  • Help center answers
  • Contact page

Why Ecommerce SEO is important?

Ecommerce SEO

Ecommerce SEO is more important that normal SEO, you may ask why? Ecommerce SEO when it’s done right it can drive traffic to products you sell, and whoever is searching for a product is more likely to buy from websites they see first since it gives the trust for them that they are ranked well and other people probably have bought from this website since it’s in first search results.

If your website doesn’t appear in the SERPs, you lose qualified and interested ecommerce customers. Your products might have a space on the web, but can they be found?

That’s where ecommerce SEO comes in. It provides you with a way to reach your target audience without paying for ads. Once you get people to your site, you can delight them with your high-quality products, intriguing copy, and motivating calls to action.

SEO for ecommerce focuses on the first hurdle to acquiring new customers: getting people to your site whom interested in buying.

Ecommerce SEO Strategy

Ecommerce SEO might seem like a huge task, especially if you already have a website populated with tons of products. Yes, it might take time, but you can speed up the process with a solid strategy.

  1. Prioritize pages: Which pages on your site get the most traffic? Start with them. Additionally, if you want people to focus on a specific product, optimize for that product first.
  2. Create a workflow: SEO requires you to meet lots of specific requirements. Choosing keywords, adding meta data, naming your images correctly, adding image alternate attributes, and incorporating related keywords all fall under this category.
  3. Check out the competition: Your ecommerce SEO strategy should be designed to outwit the competition. Look at your top competitors’ sites and check out their SEO efforts. Identify ways to make yours better.
  4. Follow through with CRO: Conversion rate optimization (CRO) should follow SEO. We’ll talk about that more later on.

Best Practices for Your Ecommerce SEO Strategy

Let’s take a look at some of the top SEO strategies for ecommerce sites that aren’t doing so well. You’ll need an ecommerce SEO plan if you want customers to find your products more easily, and crossing each thing off your list will make your strategy more effective.

1) Use the Right keywords

Yes, keywords are still important.

You don’t want to stuff these keywords into your product titles and descriptions, but they must appear somewhere in the writing.

In your product headline, description, meta description, image alternative attributes, and subheadlines, mention your primary keyword.

Keywords from the latent semantic index (LSI) should be sprinkled throughout.

These are relevant keywords that Google uses to comprehend the context of your page.

Do some research on a keyword before using it.

Understand how frequently people search for it (keyword search volume), how competitive it is in the paid advertising area (cost-per-click, or CPC), and what they’re looking for.

2) Conduct Competitor Research

If you’re not sure where to begin with on-site SEO for your ecommerce site, look to your competitors.

Larger competitors, in particular, are likely to have already put in the effort to optimize their websites, and many of their secrets can be found on their own websites.

The thing you should concentrate on is keywords. You’ll want to look at the keywords on their homepages and top product pages in particular.

How can you know if a site is optimized for a specific keyword? Start by looking at your competitors’ title tags with the Moz browser plugin to discover what SEO title and description they use.

3) Focus on Homepage SEO

Most firms spend the majority of their SEO spending and effort on the homepage. While it is undoubtedly one of the most important pages to optimize on your website, it is far from the only one.

Having said that, you should optimize your homepage thoroughly. The following are some of the most important items to add and optimize.

4) Simplify Your Site Architecture

Remember that site architecture plays a vital role in search optimization when you add products and categories to your store. From your homepage through product categories to the products listed within them, you should have a clear hierarchy of navigation.

5) Optimize Product Pages

Because product pages are the lifeblood of your company, you should devote a significant amount of time and effort to improving them. Many ecommerce business owners simply type a few lines describing each product and upload an image or video.

  1. The name of your product is important. In most cases, it’s also used in the SEO title and URL of your product page. This is why you may want to consider adding a common search term or keyword phrase to your products.
  2. Images are an important part of your product page. Stand in your customer’s shoes for a moment. Are you more likely to buy a product from a site that clearly depicts the product from as many angles as possible, from a site that has no image at all, or from one that is small and illegible? Not only are images important for your customers, but they are important for search optimization. To properly optimize your images for search, start with the filename. Don’t add images named IMG0010.jpg to your product pages. Instead, use the product name and main keyword, such as eastcoast-skinny-jeans.jpg.

If you have alternative views of your product, include keywords that people would use if they were searching for those images in search.


SEO is important for ecommerce website to reach more audience without ads, the better ranking your website can have for a product that people want to buy, the more selling you can achieve! You can contact us for your killer SEO ecommerce Strategy that will make your store shine in the search engines.